What is PRISM?
RE-AIM Improving Public Health Relevance and Population Health Impact
PRISM is the contextually expanded, updated version of RE-AIM. It adds key contextual factors that often are associated with implementation and program outcomes- especially the 5 RE-AIM outcomes of Reach, Effectiveness Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance.
PRISM is both a determinant and evaluation framework in the classification suggested by Nilsen , and has also more recently been used as a process model to guide implementation adaptation
There are several resources to find out more about PRISM, including:
- A review article on PRISM by Rabin et al
- A brief video description of key points by Dr. Rabin
- A power point presentation by Dr. Glasgow
- View the interview of Dr. Glasgow by Dr. Harden on common issues in and questions about applying PRISM and RE-AIM
- Website with links to extensive resources as above, plus more
What is RE-AIM?
RE-AIM Improving Public Health Relevance and Population Health Impact
The goal of RE-AIM is to encourage program planners, evaluators, readers of journal articles, funders, and policy-makers to pay more attention to essential program elements including external validity that can improve the sustainable adoption and implementation of effective, generalizable, evidence-based interventions.
The five steps to translate research into action are:
- Reach the target population
- Effectiveness or efficacy
- Adoption by target staff, settings, systems and communities
- Implementation consistency, costs and adaptions made during delivery
- Maintenance/sustainment of intervention effects in individuals and settings over time
- Website, with links to examples and descriptions
MACH Implementation Science webinars
The Navigating Implementation Science series aims to help researchers develop an understanding of implementation science in practice. Each seminar has a theoretical component, illustrated by practical examples from a clinician researcher.
Titles include:
Co-designing for Impact; De-implementing low value health care – harnessing evidence and the electronic medical record; How do implementation science frameworks work?; A transdisciplinary approach to implementation; The Holy Grail of Scale.
- Online Webinars, 60 mins duration each
JBI Manual for Evidence Implementation
Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI)
An overview of JBI-endorsed approaches to getting evidence into practice and step-by-step guidance for implementing evidence.
- Online document or downloadable PDF
Getting research into practice: the role of facilitators
Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI)
This presentation focuses on facilitation as a strategy in evidence implementation. In particular, techniques for facilitation which span the phases of pre-implementation, implementation and sustainability are presented. The JBI Evidence Implementation Framework, and its 7 phases, is explained.
- Recorded Webinar, 60 mins duration.
Knowledge Translation
Child and Adolescent Health Service Research Education Program
Ensuring that research findings are translated into practice involves a systematic approach from the beginning when you are designing your research. Implementation science bridges the gap between developing and evaluating effective interventions and implementation and de-implementation in routine practice. This seminar covers key elements of implementation research; theoretical approaches, research designs, involvement of stakeholders, behaviour change interventions.
- Recorded Webinar, 60 mins duration slides handout. The link goes to the Research Education page. Click on "Seminars" (R-hand side of the page), then scroll to the "Library of Seminar Recordings", then click on "Knowledge Translation". Complete the short RedCap survey, submit it, then choose the recording and/or slides handout.
Using evidence, providing clinical care: a practical approach to implementation
Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI)
Dr Kylie Porritt presents a JBI LIVE webinar which provides tips for success in evidence implementation. The Getting Research into Practice (GRiP) framework is explored, together with the Five “rights” for implementation.
- Recorded Webinar, 60 mins duration.
Implementation science provides the foundation for successful translation of evidence into practice.
Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation
In this video, Dr John Wakefield offers his unique perspective as a clinician driving reform across the health system. John describes his role in fostering an environment that brings together clinicians and researchers to solve today’s challenges affecting sustainable healthcare delivery.
- Video, 3 mins duration.
Allied Health Translating Research into Practice (AH-TRIP)
Queensland Health
Allied Health – Translating Research into Practice (AH-TRIP) is an initiative that aims to embed knowledge translation from research within the usual business of Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) by building the capacity of the health practitioner workforce. Although entitled AH, it is applicable to multi-disciplines. It covers topics including identifying a clinical problem; evidence to support change; planning for change; implementation; evaluating change; sustainability.
- Series of training modules using webinars, reading online/downloadable PDFs, worksheets, champions manuals.
Research Impact Spotlight Series
Health Translation South Australia
The Research Impact webinar series covers a range of content including:
• Impact definitions and impact types
• Engaging with stakeholders and aligning expectations for impact
• Using a logic model or framework to plan and measure impact
• Communicating impact and how to present impact information for different audiences. Additional links to frameworks and templates, websites and videos, case studies and impact stories
- 4 Recorded Webinars, each 60 mins duration, additional reading and links.
Sustaining knowledge translation interventions
Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI)
Knowledge translation plays a critical role in evidence-based healthcare and improving health outcomes. Dr Straus discusses how to approach sustainability of knowledge translation interventions and research in the context of COVID-19.
- Recorded Webinar, 60 mins duration.
9 Research Impact Things
Curtin University
The 9 Research Impact Things program is a self-directed learning tool developed for researchers at any stage of their career who want to know more about creating, tracking, evaluating, and demonstrating their engagement i.e. research impact beyond academia. It is important to consider how you generate and demonstrate impact from the beginning of the research process. This program provides information and practical tools to help you get started.
- Website with reading and instructional videos
Using research to answer practice questions
Australian Institute of Family Studies
This article describes how to incorporate appropriate research into decision making based on practice-relevant questions, and considers the strengths and limitations of using different types of research.
- Online reading