Albury Wodonga Health

Albury Wodonga Health research website

Albury Wodonga Health provides research, training and education opportunities for all staff, as well as supporting students and graduates from both TAFE and tertiary institutions. The Research Office includes resources for healthcare research, ethical review of research, as well as a staff library, with a specialised collection of health resources. The Clinical Education team oversee the ongoing professional development and training of their healthcare staff, as well as the support for student placements and new graduates. See

Albury Wodonga Health Research Office

The Research Office is committed to building research capacity in the region in collaboration with tertiary education institutions. Collaborations include partnerships with Charles Sturt University, La Trobe University and the University of New South Wales. Albury Wodonga Health works with their partners to provide opportunities for staff to build their knowledge, skills and confidence in research and work with other health services to facilitate ethical consideration of their own research projects through the AWHHREC.

Albury Wodonga Health Human Research Ethics Committee (AWHHREC)

The AWHHREC considers clinical research projects or any research project involving humans at the campuses of Albury Wodonga Health, Murray Valley Private Hospital, Albury and Wodonga Private Hospital, Mercy Health Service. If you are unsure if your project is Low Negligible Risk (LNR) or requires a full Human Research Ethics Application Form (HREA), contact the Research Office.

Albury Wodonga Health Library

AWH Library provides information and library services to support the clinical, educational and research needs of Albury Wodonga Health staff and students on clinical placement as well as affiliated health professionals based within their catchment area. See


Cancer Services

Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre is a purpose-built centre located on the Albury Campus, of AWH. Providing safe quality care to a catchment area of over 250,000 people, this unique cross-border, public private collaborative service provides excellence in cancer care.

AWH is proud to partner with a number of private healthcare providers to deliver innovative and evidence-based cancer care to both public and private patients.

Diane Davey
Operations Manager Cancer Services
Nicole Webb
Cancer Care Coordinator/ Project Manager
Hume Regional Integrated Cancer Service (HRICS)

HRICS works in partnership with health services and consumers to promote coordinated planning, system integration and improvement of cancer services across their respective regions.

Annie Williams
Program Manager



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